Want your kids to set aside their electronics for a change? If you answered yes, it’s time to introduce them to the great outdoors on a stand up paddleboard.
Stand up paddleboarding is one of the most fun outdoor water activities for families. It’s a great way to get the kids interested in staying active and really connecting with nature. Plus, it’s a great way to build confidence in children. They get so happy and proud once they can stand on the paddle board and do it by themselves. Fresh air and sunlight also help relieve stress.
Lastly, if you’re trying to get a fun, full-body workout, stand up paddle boarding is a perfect option for you and your kids.
If that makes you excited, here are some tips for a fun stand up paddle boarding session with the kids! Read our guide to make sure that this activity is fun and safe for the entire family.
4 Tips for Stand Up Paddle Boarding with Kids
1. Prepare what you need
To paddle board with your kids, you’ll need a stand up paddle board, a paddle and personal flotation devices for each person.
Paddle board
There's a great variety of stand up paddleboards to choose from. The prices depend on the size, material and brand.
When choosing a stand up paddleboard, it’s very important to consider the size and the weight limit of the board. Wider boards are easier to balance on and typically have a higher weight limit as well. Thinner boards, on the other hand, can be more difficult to balance on but are better for surfing.
The average weight limit paddle boards can hold is around 200 to 300 pounds (90 to 136 kilograms). But there are boards that can hold 500 pounds or more in the market as well. So if you plan to ride with your children on the same paddle board, be sure that the board you pick can support your combined weight.
Some paddle boards come with a paddle. But if yours didn’t come with a paddle and you’re purchasing one by itself, we recommend you choose an adjustable paddle. This way, you can adjust the length depending on who will use it. You can make it shorter if it’s the kids’ turn to paddle, or make it longer if it’s your turn! Some paddles are collapsible too, so you can just toss it in your backpack after paddling.
Personal Flotation Devices (PFDs)
Personal flotation devices or PFDs are vital to have before you go paddle boarding with your kids. They are one of the most important safety equipment for water activities. It’s so important that in some places, the law requires you to have it.
There are two types of PFDs that you can pick from: life vests and inflatables.
Life vests are built with buoyant foam panels designed to keep you afloat no matter what. Your life vests should fit you perfectly but should have wider arm openings to give you the full range of motion when paddling.
Inflatables are lightweight and made with a CO2 cartridge. You can wear these around your neck and they will inflate once you pull the tag. They’re also highly portable, so you can deflate one and just throw it in your bag once you’re done using it.
Other things to bring
There are other items that might be a good idea to bring as well. A safety leash, high-output pump and repair kit may come in handy — plus they already come supplied with most beginner paddle boards.
Another great item to have, but isn’t necessary, is a waterproof bag that you can attach to your board. You can keep your bug spray, sunscreen, car keys and even your phone in there in case of an emergency. Just make sure to double-check that it’s securely fastened. We don’t want the bag to detach while you’re having fun!
And lastly, don’t forget your food, water and first aid kit. You can store a snack or two in your waterproof bag so you can eat something in case you get hungry while paddleboarding. You can, of course, just leave it in the car or with the rest of your things so you have something to snack on after paddle boarding. Paddle boarding is fun but you and your kids may get tired and hungry after, so it’s best to always be prepared for when this happens.
2. Check water conditions for safety
The best condition for paddle boarding is when the water is calm. For beginners, going to a calm lake or bay is preferable so you don’t have to worry about currents or waves. It’s also a good idea to check the forecast first before heading out. You need to make sure that it’ll be a sunny day and the sky will be clear. The humidity level might be another thing you need to consider for a more safe and fun experience.
3. Prepare your kids
Before you get your children involved, you have to make sure that YOU are comfortable stand up paddle boarding. You’ll be guiding them the majority of the time so it’s vital that you’re comfortable balancing, paddling, falling and climbing back up on the board.
Once you’re all good and this is your first time to paddle board with your kids, it might be a great idea to teach them how to swim weeks before this activity so they’ll be more comfortable in the water. They don’t need to be a pro swimmer before they can go paddleboarding with you, but they need to be at least familiar with their surroundings to make the experience easier to manage.
Now that you and your kids are all set, you can prep them by placing the paddleboard on land first and asking them to stand on it. Once they’re comfortable with that, you can move to shallow water first. The board might get a bit unsteady at this point, so it’s important to encourage them that it’s okay to take it slow and take their time.
You can stay on the same board as them or you can stand in the water while you hold the board so you can guide their every move. They can start by just sitting down and then slowly standing up until they can balance on their own. It will take time, but the results are always rewarding!
You may want to practice falling off the board, swimming back to it and climbing back up as well. You can let them stand up on the board, jump off in the water and climb back up. You can even initiate a race!
This is great for balance and stability practice. They’ll also get used to the feeling of falling off the board. They’ll understand that it’s part of the sport and completely normal!
4. Have fun!
Now that you have your things prepared and everyone’s comfortable on your stand up paddle board, it’s time to go on an adventure! Remember to always watch the kids and make sure they’re all enjoying the great outdoors. Depending on the ages of your children, you can either stay on the same board as them or be on a separate one but make sure you’re close enough to guide them when they need you.
Time for an adventure!
Are you excited to go paddle boarding with your kids? Kahuna is all about enjoying the great Australian outdoors. We offer premium-quality, all-around paddle boards for beginners and seasoned paddlers alike. Coupled with free Australia-wide shipping, our stand up paddleboards are dispatched locally from Melbourne so you can expect fast delivery to your doorstep.
Want to know more about our Hana stand up paddle boards? Contact our friendly customer service team or browse our online collection now!
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