Ready for a whole new season of bouncing? Before you jump for joy, here’s how to spring clean your backyard trampoline!
With warm weather (and school holidays) just around the corner, spring is the perfect time to refresh, declutter and brighten up your home. If you’re already done with indoor spring cleaning, it’s time to give your trampoline a bit of TLC! Here’s how:
- Inspect your trampoline.
It’s important to make sure that your trampoline isn’t damaged before you or your kids use it. If you took down your trampoline net and mat for the winter, it’s time to take them out of storage and inspect them for any wear and tear as well.
If your trampoline needs a refresh, you can purchase spare parts online to breathe new life into your bouncer.
Wash the trampoline frame using warm water and a mild detergent. You can scrub the frame with a soft brush or a dish sponge to remove any build-up.
- Wipe off the frame using a microfibre cloth or an old towel.
- If you removed the net, mat and safety pad for winter, you can wash them directly with soap and warm water. Once dry, you can reinstall them onto the trampoline.
- If you left your trampoline up for winter, start by removing any visible leaves or debris.
- Remove and clean all accessories, such as basketball hoops, trampoline covers or ladders.
- Wash the net, mat and safety pad using soap and warm water. Using a soft brush will help prevent accidental damage to these soft components.
- Leave the trampoline to dry under the sun.
- Reinstall your trampoline accessories.
- Check that the net and mat are properly installed and that the springs are in good working condition.
- Enjoy the beauty of spring on your sparkling clean trampoline!
Have any questions? Contact us today for more information on how to maintain and care for your Kahuna trampoline.
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